

Image of source code.

It's pretty obvious that this site is made by Wordpress with the Elementor plugin. How many times can you count the word Elementor in this div?

User Interface - UI

Screenshot of user interface.

The header for all of their pages follows the exact same format: from the navigation on top, to all of the hero images having the same height and font style. There is a singular template that all of these pages follow.

User Experience - UX

Screenshot of user interface.

If I was to sign up for a bootcamp, I would like to know a few things: including the price, curriculum, and track record of helping their students get hired. They are quite transparent about all of this information. They're also pretty clear with their CTAs - whether that's to apply for their bootcamp or to request more information.


This website is a platform to advertise their numerous programs, not just for web development, but a collection of other bootcamps as well. I can see why somebody would be interested in a more intense curriculum that solely focuses on their career objectives. Whether they want to pay $9,900 for that is up to them.